Student Success Day Year 9
Calling all teachers! We're offering two days of study skills, motivational sessions, and an opportunity for your students to explore university life! Both days will be hosted at the University of Essex at their Colchester Campus, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex.

On the day your students will take part in three sessions. Below are the options for the theme of these sessions. Please rank your top five session themes below and we will try to accommodate your top three choices. We will contact you via your Outreach Officer to confirm which sessions you have been allocated once registration closes. 
First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Job Title *
School Name*
Session theme selection
1st choice *
2nd choice*
3rd choice*
4th choice *
5th choice*
Tick here to confirm you can bring 30 students, all of whom meet the Uni Connect criteria*
Stay in touch?

We would also like to contact you via email in the future about relevant upcoming events, and information, advice and guidance related to Higher Education, but we will not do this without your consent. If you would like to receive future correspondence from us about the things you’re interested in, please tick the box below. You can opt out of this at any time.  
Keep me updated via email on the latest news, events and exclusive offers from Make Happen and their partners.
Make Happen is part of the Uni Connect programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS) to support young people to access Higher Education. Make Happen delivers activities, events, and competitions with feedback to help inform and inspire interest in Higher Education. Working with partners in schools, colleges and universities we talk to young people, parents/carers and teachers about the options available. For further information visit our website and if you have any questions, please contact the Evaluation team by emailing  

In order to effectively plan, track, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of Make Happen activities we collect some personal data, and after-event feedback, from participants. We use a legal basis of consent to process the data you will provide on this form, to find out more about how we process this please see our privacy notice