This form is to request 1:1 Career’s Advice Interviews delivered by Make Happen.

Requirements include,

  • A maximum of 24 interviews across 1 half term (1 day a week, 4 students a day)
  • Students must be Uni Connect and in year 12 or year 1 of college.
  • Students who are unsure of their future pathways should be prioritised. Ideally, those students who have the potential to go to university but are not currently considering this as an option.
Completion of this form is not a guarantee that your request will be agreed. All request forms will be reviewed and a member of the Career’s Advice Team will contact you to discuss further.  
First Name*
Last Name*
Institution Name*
Email Address*
Proposed dates & times of the interviews, including logistics of the day*
Total Number of Uni Connect students (max 24 per half term)*

If you want to discuss with our team or have any questions, please contact us at