Please use this form to complete your application for CISL's Multi-generational Leadership Programme.

To apply for this CISL programme, please provide us with the information requested below. A member of our team will be in touch soon with further details.

Given the high-level of interest already received we recommend applying at your earliest convenience; the deadline for applications is Friday 28 April.

You will need to complete the online application form in one sitting, so please ensure that you have all required information with you.

About you
First Name*
Last Name*
Job Title*
Country of Residence*
Street Address*
Address Line 2
Postal Code, or Equivalent*
Contact information
Email address*
Mobile phone number*
Personal Assistant name (if applicable)
Personal Assistant email address(if applicable)
Personal Assistant mobile number (if applicable)
Emergency Contact name*
Emergency Contact mobile phone number*
About your application
Enter a brief professional biography here (maximum 150 words, written in the third person)*
Please state the name of the family you represent*

What is your role in relation to the family you represent? (for example, this could include whether you are a founder or inheritor, the aspects of family interests for which you have responsibility, whether you have direct decision-making responsibility, an advisory role, or are preparing for a future role)

Note that the programme is designed for influential members of influential families. This means those individuals who are responsible for shaping family values and priorities, for driving value creation or for stewarding assets – or who are preparing to take on such a role in future.

The programme is not designed for multi-family offices, advisors or bankers, There will, however, be a very limited number of places for single-family office representatives who hold senior roles with the families they serve to accompany family members on the Multi-generational Leadership journey.

Please enter details of your role below:*

Please briefly describe the family you represent:

We note there may be limitations due to confidentiality, but the more insight we have into your family’s interests the more we can tailor the programme to be relevant to your priorities. We therefore welcome any information you are able to share with regards to your family.

a)   its purpose, values and ambitions. (For some families these are explicit. If they are not explicit for your family, your informal views would be welcome.)

b)   its commercial activities and key assets

c)   its geographic focus

d)  its priority philanthropic interest

Please include a brief description of your family below:*
Objectives and priorities
Please outline your main reason/s for signing up to this programme, including what you hope to gain from it (max 150 words):*
Please indicate the outcomes you hope that the programme will have on your family and its impact in the world. *
Please explain briefly what the word ‘sustainability’ means to you and to your family?*
Are there any particular themes or topics that you are particularly keen to explore within the programme?*
We will be working to enable an ongoing peer community for shared learning and collaboration. Are there any topics or themes on which you are keen to share your learning or explore collaborations with peers? *
Programme logistics
Please indicate any specific access requirements you need to support your attendance at the seminar and/or dietary restrictions.
Please state if there are any dates between May and October 2023, for which you would not be able to attend an online session. Whilst we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate all diaries, we will endeavour to minimise clashes for participants.

The programme includes an in-person 4-day event on the 5-8 June 2023, taking place in Cambridge, UK, at the Moller Institute, along with a two-day networking event and gala dinner on 5 and 6 October 2023 also in Cambridge. Bedrooms have been reserved at the Moller Institute for delegates on a first-come first-served basis for the nights of the 5th, 6th and 7th June in-person event, and for the 5th October - please note accommodation is not included in the programme fee and will need to be paid for on departure. The rooms are conference standard with double beds and all ensuite.

If you wish to reserve a room, please email following your application and by 1st March. If you wish to make your own arrangements, please indicate this in the tick box below.

Please note that CISL is unable to assist with flight bookings, adherence to Covid-19 requirements or airport transfers.

Please indicate below if you wish to make your own arrangements for accommodation:*
Photography: At some events, a photographer may be present, and resulting photographs used on the CISL website or in other materials.  
Please confirm you are happy that photographs of you may be taken and used in this way. *
Sharing your details:
  • Email: In order to facilitate 1:1 conversations with subject experts and Faculty, we will share your email address if needed with the relevant expert.
  • Biography and photo: In order for our expert contributors and Faculty to become familiar with the cohort, CISL will share your biography and photo with them ahead of the events.
Are you happy to share your email with relevant experts on this programme?*
Are you happy to share your biography and photo with key personnel and fellow participants?*
Terms, conditions and cancellation

Terms and Conditions: The course fee includes all course materials during the in-person and online sessions, venue costs during the in-person workshop days, gala dinners and networking events and the one-to-one access to leading experts and the wider network. Please note, the fee does not include travel or accommodation expenses (see above information on accommodation)

Safety of our delegates and staff is paramount so thank you in advance for reading carefully through the terms and conditions below regarding Covid-19 precautions. Please note that should Government guidelines change ahead of the programme, CISL reserves the right to cancel the in-person programme element if necessary.

Covid – 19 related information: CISL will actively adhere to all latest UK Government guidelines around Covid-19 precautions.  Safety of our delegates is paramount. Please read through carefully below the following terms and conditions:
  • I will not attend under any circumstances should I be unwell or show any signs of Covid-19 related symptoms e.g., cough, temperature, cold symptoms
  • Depending on government guidelines at the time, I may be asked to undergo lateral flow testing prior to the event or on the day of the first event, and or adhere to other safety measures if advised such as wearing of masks during events.
  • I will not attend if I have had a positive Covid test within the previous 10 days.
  • I will not attend if I have travelled to/from or via a 'Red list' country 21 days ahead of the programme start date (see
  • If I have travelled overseas (to a country other than those on the Red list) within 21 days of the programme start date, I confirm that I have followed all quarantine measures stipulated by the Government in order to not put other delegates or staff at risk.
  • If I am required to undergo any sort of testing requirements, I am responsible for arranging this, and understand CISL is not able to assist with these arrangements including advising on local testing centres.
  • I understand that should I become unwell during the programme, I will be asked to make arrangements to leave the programme and/or seek medical help as appropriate. CISL and the Venue are not able to provide quarantine facilities.
  • I understand that I attend the programme at my own risk, and whilst the venues and CISL will carry out a thorough risk assessment in line with current Government guidelines, I also understand it is my responsibility to act in a reasonable way to follow any Government policy around Covid-19 and to adhere to any venue requirements and safety measures that may be in place during the programme.
I agree and understand the above terms and conditions.*

Terms and Conditions of Attendance:

I understand that, should I repeatedly act in a way or display behaviours that may affect the physical or psychological safety of another attendee, I may be asked to leave the Programme.

I agree and understand the above terms and conditions.*

Cancellation Terms

  • Invoices are payable within 30 days of invoice date (unless otherwise stated on the invoice) in the currency invoiced. If payment is not received within 30 days (or within time period stated on the invoice) the programme cannot guarantee to hold the place. Bank charges incurred as a result of payment being made from overseas accounts shall be reimbursed to the University by the buyer. In the event of the Programme commencing in less than 30 days, payment must be received in advance of the start of the Programme.
  • The University reserves the right to make any change on prior notice to the specification of the programme which does not materially affect the value of the programme.
  • If a delegate is obliged to cancel after he/she has been accepted onto the programme, fees are non-refundable unless the place can be re-filled or in exceptional circumstances such as family bereavement. Substitutions are not automatic; each proposed substitution must be reviewed by the Selection Panel. If you are obliged to cancel and we are unable to fill your place, fees will not be refunded, however, a 25% discount on a place at a subsequent programme will programme will be offered, subject to availability of places.
  • Delegates should be aware that they will be liable to reimburse the University for any financial loss incurred as a result of damage caused by them to conference centre property.
  • CISL reserves the right to cancel the in-person events if Government, travel or venue restrictions do not allow in -person gatherings due to Covid-19. In this situation, CISL will either postpone the in-person event OR seek to replace the event with an online event. 
I agree and understand the above cancellation policy.*

Keeping in touch with you

We’d like to keep in touch with you to keep you informed about our activities/invite you to future programmes and events. Please indicate the formats in which you are happy to be contacted below (you can change these at any time by going here or automatically unsubscribing to emails).

How we use your personal data

The University of Cambridge will store your personal information in order to liaise with you as a consequence of your interest in our work, and (with your consent) keep you up to date with University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) news and let you know of future programmes and events.

We do not share your personal information with any third parties outside the University of Cambridge, other than those who are responsible for delivering all or part of a group, initiative, or event, except with your explicit permission. At times, personal data may be sent, including internationally, via email and other platforms for the purposes of efficiency.

For further information on the use of your personal data, see

Where did you hear about us?*
Other (please specify)
I am happy to be contacted by email*
I am happy to be contacted by phone*