Lapland UAS alumni

Please fill in this questionnaire if you wish to join the Lapland UAS alumninetwork.


1. Gender*


2. Contact information*

All fields are obligatory. If you are not able to answer, type a hyphen to the field. 

First name*
Last name*
Date of birth*
Street address*
Postal code*
Home country*

3. Employment information

Work email
Work phone

4. Higher education degree

Please inform the year of (latest) higher education graduation and the name of the school
Year of graduation
Name of the school

Please announce your degree, field of study, year of graduation and campus. Please remember to announce also, if you have completed a Master Degree in Lapland UAS. (For example, Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business, 2019, Rovaniemi) 
Name of the degree

5. Permission to save your contact information to Lapland UAS customer- and alumniregister*

The contact information will be used to maintain and develop the co-operation between Lapland UAS and working life as defined in the Polytechnic Act 2014. Joining alumni group of Lapland UAS does not bind you to anything. Storing your contact information ensures that you will receive the latest news, invitations and updates of Lapland UAS.

You can order the registration report from alumni(at) or visit the page:

Permission to save information *

6. Permission to send you marketing information about Lapland UAS education to your email-address? *

Marketing permission*