Accreditation consultancy application form
English UK offers a consultancy service to assist and advise English language centres on how to successfully negotiate the accreditation process. This optional service is offered independently of the Accreditation UK Scheme and includes expert advice, access to updates and extensive guidance on accreditation criteria. 
Centre information
Centre name*
Building/ Street*
Postal/ Zip code*
Contact name for consultancy purposes
First name*
Last name*
Job title*
Inspection details
Target month for inspection
When would you like a consultancy?
Where did you hear about the consultancy service?
ELT course provision
Please give details about each of your courses that are eligible for inspection 
Name of course, hours per week, course duration, year course first ran and current enrolments
Consultancy selection
Please select a consultancy option 
Document review (£815 + VAT)
One-day consultancy visit (£1,040+ VAT)
Document review & one-day visit (£1,530 + VAT)

Please provide the email address for invoicing (if different to the contact for consultancy)

If you require a PO number, please email this to as soon as possible so this can be included on your invoice. 

Privacy policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data. We want you to fully benefit from our services and be clear about how and why we process your personal data.

Please review the privacy policy before proceeding with the application.

Terms and Conditions

I undertake:

- not to use the English UK brand, including the logo, in any publicity material or to claim membership of English UK;

- to keep English UK informed of my progress and of any changes in my intention to become accredited by the British Council through the Accreditation UK scheme;

- to apply for Accreditation within the time limits prescribed by the ACS scheme (normally 1 year).

I accept the terms & conditions*
I consent to English UK processing my data as described*
First name*
Last name*