Apply for a place on the DELTM 2024/25
Please complete this form by Friday 13 September 2024. Contact English UK after this date to check availability on +44 20 7608 7960.

Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

English UK may contact a referee to check your suitability for the course. We will email you if these details are required.


English UK member price - £2,250
Full price - £3,250
Your details
First Name*
Last Name*
Job title*
Organisation name*
Full work address*
Application information
Reasons for wishing to attend the course (please give specific areas of interest/ improvement)*
Details of any relevant management and supervisory experience
Relevant qualifications (including under- or post-graduate degrees and specialist ELT courses)*
Senior management declaration

If applicable, please ensure that a member of the senior management team approves the below:

You (the candidate) will be allowed access to management systems (financial information, marketing plans, operations guidelines, etc.) in order for them to complete the English UK DELTM assignments successfully.

No DELTM assignment will require personal information for completion. All assignments and information are treated with strictest confidence and only seen by English UK staff, course tutors and (if selected) the course moderator. 

Name of consenting senior manager
Senior manager email address

An invoice will be sent to your organisation unless otherwise requested.

Please indicate if you would like to pay in full or in two equal instalments. The first instalment will be due within 30 days of invoice. The second instalment will be due by 3 January 2025

Pay in full
Pay in instalments
Terms and conditions

Confirmation of participation

Your participation will be confirmed by us at English UK and will be made definitive by issuance of a confirmation email, at which stage participation is considered as binding and the terms and conditions will apply. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to reject an application without assigning a reason.

Course particulars

The course fee covers the provision of the course, all modules and refreshments for one participant. Only you, the declared participant, will be able to attend the course and substitutes are not permitted for any of the sessions.

The DELTM qualification will be awarded if you attend a minimum of nine module sessions, pass all module assignments and successfully complete the final project.

Online delivery

For training delivered online, if you are unable to access the training/event, we will endeavour to provide a solution where we, or the module trainer, has direct control over the system, software or settings involved. If the issue lies with your hardware, systems, software, connectivity, settings, etc., we may provide assistance to help you resolve the issue but cannot guarantee that any assistance will be successful.

You also accept that we at English UK cannot be held responsible for any delay or disruption to your access to the online training/event as a result of the following:

  • the operation of the internet and/or your connection to it

  • any firewall restrictions on your network or the computer you are using to access the training

  • failures of telecommunications links and equipment
    any similar issues.

We are not liable to offer a replacement training session for those who miss the session.

When attending online sessions, you agree:

  • to attend the whole session

  • have a webcam and microphone on for the session

  • fully participate in discussions and pay attention to the trainer

  • avoid distractions and not do other work or use a phone/device during the session.

Cancellation policy

If you wish to cancel your attendance, you must inform us in writing. We will not refund fees if you cancel less than 30 days before the event although a substitute may be sent to on the course with prior notice. We will refund 50% of the fees if you cancel more than 30 days before the start of the qualification.

Only under exceptional circumstances, where the number of delegates is too low to make the course viable or other unforeseen circumstances, will a course need to be cancelled and we will endeavour to provide at least one week’s notice.

In the event of a major disaster which prevents the course from taking place at the venue on the dates previously notified, if a suitable alternative date/ venue is found we reserve the right not to refund any of the charge or any part of it which has already been paid to us by you. We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change the dates and/or venue previously notified, in which case we reserve the right not to refund the participation charge or any part of it which has already been paid to us by you.

In the case of the event not going ahead, liability is limited to the return of the course fee only. Wewill not reimburse any travel or hotel cancellation fees or other associated costs.

Applicant declaration

By submitting this form you confirm that you have read a copy of the introductory information (available on the training page of the English UK website – see footer for address). You also declare to the best of your knowledge that the information included in support of this application is accurate and correct.

I have read and understood the terms and conditions. All information submitted is correct and any falsifications may lead to my participation in the course being cancelled with no refund.

Data consent
We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

We collect personal data including your name, job title, email address, and employer details.

We require the above information to successfully deliver the course. We will keep this information for three years from date of the qualification ending and a record of registration is kept on our database until you request otherwise. Only your name and organisation will be shared with relevant English UK staff, trainers and the awarding body (LanguageCert). Your date of birth is required for certification by LanguageCert and will only be shared with them.

We also want to keep you up-to-date with news of similar business development events and initiatives organised by us, so we would like to send you information about relevant events, according to our Privacy Policy.

Your personal data will not be retained for longer than is necessary for the relevant purposes as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can ask us about your personal data at any time. You can also withdraw the consent to use your personal data at any time. Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of the will incur a full cancellation and cancellation fees as noted in our Terms and Conditions.

I consent to English UK processing and sharing my personal data.
I accept the terms & conditions*
I consent to English UK processing my data as described*
Full name