English UK membership application form
Thank you for applying to become an English UK member centre. A membership application form should be returned for each separately accredited centre.
Full name of centre (as accredited by the British Council)*
Street name, building no.*
Centre's generic email address*
Name of registered company/ charity and number*
Name of owners, directors, trustees or parent institution *
English UK member centres can save money by joining our schemes for payment of Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) and Motion Picture License Company MPLC) fees.
The CLA is the licence required to make copies from books, magazines, journals and websites. MPLC is the licence required to show copyright films bought for home use to a wider audience.
Members benefit from a discounted rate of over 50% for the CLA and up to 20% for the MPLC licence fees.
Please let us know if you currently hold any of these licences and/or whether you would like to benefit from English UK discounted rates.
Accreditation information
Date your centre was first accredited by the British Council*
Date of most recent British Council inspection*
List all premises submitted to the British Council for inspection under this accreditation. *
List any additional accreditations held by your centre
Type of provider*
Seasonal provision*
Primary contact information
Individual with voting rights at English UK general meetings and primary contact for all English UK membership purposes. This person will always receive our monthly newsletter and other important updates. You will be able to choose which other topics you hear about by email.
English UK group member application
Section to be completed by accredited centres applying to be considered as part of a group for English UK membership purposes (e.g. XYZ School of English Group)
Address of Group headquarters
Contact name for Group representative
Please list other centres in the Group
Student weeks declaration and accounts information
Please provide the number of Student Weeks of English language tuition in your establishment during the previous calendar year (January - December).
Student weeks definition: one student week is defined as one student taking 10 or more contact hours of English language tuition in one week. Tuition of less than 10 hours per week is excluded from the calculation - how to calculate student weeks.
If unable to provide student weeks figures, please provide the total teacher timetabled hours of English language tuition in your establishement during the previous calendar year (January - December).
Liability for subscriptions is based on the number of student weeks/ teacher taught hours (a proxy measure of student weeks based on teacher timetabled hours and a conversion factor for class size related to all foreign students who underwent English language tuition on eligible courses) you provide below - see how membership subscription fees are calculated.
Student weeks declaration:*
Teacher timetabled hours declaration:*
Contact name for finance/accounts*
Company name for invoicing purposes (if different to establishment)
Address for invoicing purposes (if different)