Fam trips - agent registration form
Fam trips will take place after StudyWorld Manchester 2025. Read the trip descriptions carefully before applying for a place. 

> Check the available Fam trips and decide which you would like to attend 

Only one agent per organisation may apply for a trip. 

Please note that completing this application form does not confirm your place on the trip. The fam trip coordinators will review your application and English UK will then confirm if you have been accepted. 

Once you have been accepted onto a Fam trip the trip co-ordinator will provide you with the full trip itinerary.

Please note you must be registered to attend StudyWorld Manchester to attend a fam trip.
Agent details
First Name*
Last Name*
Job title*
Organisation name*
Year agency was established*
Number of staff members*
How many students has your agency sent to study in the UK in the past year?*
Do you send individual students, groups or both?*
Do you work with adults or juniors or both?*
Where do most of your students come from? (Primary market)*
Brief organisation description*
Fam trip information
Which fam trip would you like to attend? (first choice)*
Which fam trip would you like to attend? (second choice)*
Terms and conditions
Fam trips are fact-finding educational trips, only for agents who wish to do serious business with the participating institutions. If you are selected to attend a fam trip, you agree to attend all functions on the trip itinerary and visit all participating institutions. Failure to do so may result in you being charged an additional fee.  
Space is limited on the trips and only one representative per agency may attend a trip.  
Allocation of a fam trip place is at the sole discretion of the participating institutions.  
English UK and fam trip hosts reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to reject an application without assigning a reason.  
The fam trip host will confirm with you what is included in the fam trip. Unless expressly stated fam trips do not include meals not detailed in the trip itinerary, tips, laundry, phone and internet access charges, optional excursions, insurance, mini-bar, alcohol, beverages, excess baggage and items of a purely personal nature.  

Personal data  
We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data. We want you to fully benefit from the events and activities we organise and be clear about how and why we process your personal data and endeavour to keep it safe. Your personal data will not be retained for longer than is necessary for the relevant purposes as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can ask us about your personal data at any time. You can also withdraw the consent to use your personal data at any time. Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of this event will incur a full event cancellation and cancellation fees as noted in these Terms and Conditions.  
Media waiver  
Fam trip hosts reserve the right to photograph and record the event. Participants may request for their image or video footage of them not to be used for future promotion of English UK and the UK English language teaching sector.   
Itinerary changes  
Fam trip hosts reserve the right to change the itinerary whenever local conditions render it advisable or necessary. Where those conditions are beyond their control fam trip hosts will not be responsible for any loss, expense or inconvenience caused because of the changes.  
Transfer of bookings  
We can transfer your fam trip booking to another eligible delegate within your organisation at any time up to five working days before the event. You must inform us of any transfer in writing.  

Cancellation by you 
If you wish to cancel your attendance on a fam trip, you must inform us in writing. If you cancel after your place has been confirmed, you may be charged a cancellation fee. You will be made aware of this before registering. If you transfer your attendance to a different fam trip, you may be charged the cancellation fee if a suitable replacement is not found to replace you on your original trip.   

Dates & cancellation by organiser  
In the event of a major disaster which prevents the fam trip from taking place on the dates previously notified, every effort will be made to reschedule the trip. If an alternative date is found English UK and the Fam trip hosts reserves the right to change the dates.   
Only under exceptional circumstances, where the number of delegates is too low to make the fam trip viable or other unforeseen circumstances, will a fam trip need to be cancelled. In this case we will endeavour to provide at least four weeks’ notice. 
In the above cases English UK, or the fam trip hosts, are not liable for any loss or consequential loss, for example, travel or hotel costs incurred due to changed arrangements.   
I accept the terms and conditions*
Full name