StudyWorld China 2025: Wuhan, Beijing & Guangzhou

Thursday 13 - Friday 21 November 2025

Please read the following carefully and be sure to tick all required options.

Our Wuhan event is limited to 25 tables.
Our Beijing and Guangzhou events are limited to 35 tables.

(can only be booked if attending Beijing and Guangzhou)

£1,650 for table and meeting schedule
£1,135 for networking pass (no meeting schedule)

Beijing and Guangzhou

English UK member prices
£4,800 for table and meeting schedule
£2,680 for networking pass (no meeting schedule)

Non-member prices
£5,650 for table and meeting schedule
£2,680 for networking pass (no meeting schedule)

> View event information here

If you have any questions before booking, please contact Siobhan Baccas.

There is one meeting schedule per organisation.

Company / centre details
Company / centre name*
Registration details
The details provided in this section will be used for correspondence purposes and for your Marcom eSchedule PRO account.

Select below what you require. If booking a second representative, please also select 'networking pass':
Beijing and Guangzhou - table*
Beijing and Guangzhou - networking pass
Wuhan - table
Wuhan - networking pass
Representative 1 - Table with meeting schedule
First Name (Rep 1)*
Last Name (Rep 1)*
Job title (Rep 1)*
Email (Rep 1)*
Special requirements (e.g. dietary, mobility, etc.)
Letter of invitation required for visa purposes
Representative 2 - Networking pass
First name (Rep 2)
Last name (Rep 2)
Job title (Rep 2)
Email (Rep 2)
Special requirements (e.g. dietary, mobility, etc.)
Letter of invitation required for visa purposes
Your information
Your name (if different to Representative 1)
Email address for confirmation and invoice (if different to Representative 1)
Billing address*
Data consent statement

We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data. We want you to fully benefit from the events and activities we organise and be clear about how and why we process your personal data.

Why we are processing your data

We require and use your personal data to facilitate your registration and event experience. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

Who else has access to your personal data

We collect personal data including your name, job title, email address, photograph and employer details.

If you share other people’s data with us, for example if you register a colleague for the event, you will need to check that person consents to you providing that information to us.

We may share your personal data with event delegates, our suppliers, business partners and service providers, where they are helping us to process your registration and deliver the event.

These will include:

Supplier type

Data supplied


Full registration information

Email marketing tools

Full name, email address

English UK/StudyWorld websites and social media platforms

Full name, company name, photographs

Event partners (e.g. BONARD, Department for Business & Trade)

Full registration information

Event registration supplier

Full registration information

Graphic designers and printers

Full name, company name

Hotel (for accommodation reservations)

Full name, company name



Industry press are invited to attend the event to report on it, take photographs and raise awareness of our industry. Be aware that their photographs of you may appear in their printed and digital press.

We also want to keep you up-to-date with news of similar business development events and initiatives organised by us, so we would like to send you information about relevant events, according to our Privacy Policy.

Your personal data will not be retained for longer than is necessary for the relevant purposes as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can ask us about your personal data at any time. You can also withdraw the consent to use your personal data at any time. Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of this event will incur a full event cancellation and cancellation fees as noted in our Terms and Conditions.

I consent to English UK processing and sharing my personal data.

I consent to English UK using images of myself captured in photographs and/or video recordings at this event for marketing and promotional purposes. These images may appear on the English UK/ StudyWorld and/ or other websites.

I understand that I can ask English UK to stop using my images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation.

I consent to English UK processing and sharing my personal data*
I consent to English UK using images of myself
Terms and conditions

Confirmation of participation
Your participation will be confirmed by us at English UK and will be made definitive by issuance of a confirmation email and invoice. Participation is considered as binding at this stage, and the terms and conditions will apply. We at English UK reserve the right to reject an application without assigning a reason. Applications will only be considered from educators and service providers whose products are, in our opinion, appropriately accredited or compatible with the theme of the event. Our aim is to offer agents attending the event a wide range of providers and provision. Consequently, if more providers apply than there are places available, selection will be made based on ensuring a representative sample of programme types, location and provision is provided. Beyond these criteria, places will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Course providers or those with subsidiaries offering education programmes and courses are not eligible to participate as agents or buyers. Service providers registered to attend are prohibited from selling, offering or promoting in any way courses or educational programmes provided by themselves or by any other person, affiliate or organisation. Providers wishing to promote more than one company must provide us with evidence that the centres being promoted are under the same ownership and/or franchise.

Payment terms
All fees are payable in GBP (£) as indicated on the registration form and invoice, by credit card or bank transfer. Full and immediate payment will be due by credit card for registrations received within 30 days of the event. Participation in the event will be refused if payment has not been received in full by the event start date.

Marcom eSchedule PRO profile
If your attendance package includes a meeting schedule, the information provided by you will inform your Marcom eSchedule PRO profile. You are responsible for notifying English UK of any errors or omissions in the data; no liability is attached to us regarding undisclosed errors or omissions. 

Access to Marcom eSchedule PRO is only granted once full payment has been received. 

Participants list
The participant details, accessed via the event website and Marcom eSchedule PRO, are for one-time use in connection with this event and may not be passed on to a third party.

Liability & insurance
You are advised to obtain adequate travel insurance and cover against personal liability, fire, and theft. We will not be held liable for any loss of or damage to exhibits or equipment, for example because of fire or theft, or any personal injury, whether this damage, loss or injury is sustained prior to, during, or after the event. You will be held liable for any damage to persons or objects caused by you, your employees, and your representatives or by exhibits or items of your equipment.    

Personal data
We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We want you to fully benefit from the events and activities we organise, be clear about how and why we process your data, and endeavour to keep it safe. Your data will not be retained longer than is necessary for the relevant purposes as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can ask us about your data at any time (email You can also withdraw the consent to use your data at any time. Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of this event will incur a full event cancellation and cancellation fee as noted in these terms and conditions.

Media waiver
We reserve the right to record and photograph the event. You may request for your image or video footage not to be used for future promotion of English UK events. You should be aware that industry press will be present at event to report on it and raise awareness of our industry and are likely to take photographs and video footage.

Dates and cancellation by us
Only under exceptional circumstances, where the number of participants is too low to make the event viable or other unforeseen circumstances, will an event need to be cancelled, and we will endeavour to provide at least four weeks’ notice.

If we cancel the event, our total liability is limited to refunding the participation fee or any part of the fee already paid to us. Money transfer costs may be charged.

We also reserve the right to change the dates of this event at our sole discretion. In this case, we reserve the right not to refund the participation fee or any part of the already paid fee. We will transfer your registration to the new date. If a major disaster prevents the event from taking place on the advertised dates, if the event is rescheduled to an alternative date, we reserve the right not to refund the participation fee or any part of it that has already been paid. We will transfer your registration to the new date.In the above cases, we are not liable for any losses or consequential losses arising.

Cancellation by you
You must inform us in writing if you wish to cancel your attendance. We will not refund fees if you cancel less than eight weeks before the start of the event or once access to Marcom eSchedule PRO has been granted, whichever is earlier. A substitute may be sent to the event with prior notice. We will refund 50% of your fees if you cancel more than eight weeks before the start of the event or before access to Marcom eSchedule PRO has been granted, whichever is earlier.

I accept the terms & conditions*