When signing up for the Natural Sciences Alumni Network you automatically become member of the Aarhus University network for alumni. This means you can benefit from the entire university’s offer for former students and employees.

Complete your sign-up in two steps:

1. Fill in and submit the sign-up form

2. Confirm your application for membership and your consent to the processing of your personal data in the email we send you.

First Name*
Last Name*
Alternative e-mail
The alternate email acts as a back-up should your primary email fail or cease to exist.
Your phone number helps us get in touch with you in situations where a quick response or a direct dialogue is appropriate.
Job Title*
Your current employment helps us make the information we send you as relevant as possible. The more we know about your career path after graduation, the better we can develop activities that match your interests.
Your current place of work helps us further target our information to you.
CPR Number*
Your CPR number ensures that your sign-up data are matched with your data in our alumni database. Data is transferred securely and encrypted.
Aarhus University will process and keep your data. We will not share your data with anyone else and will only use the data when communicating with you. You can sign out from the network at any time.