Please fill out the sports scholarship application form below. To help us assess your application we have provided some quick guidance below. Successful awards will only be offered subject to acceptance on a course at the University of Essex that is based at the Colchester Campus.


Personal Details

First Name
Last Name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Telephone number
Country of Residence*
Date of Birth
Course applied for/studying*
Year of study*

Course details for prospective students

Have you received an offer from us?
Is the University of Essex your first choice?

Please note scholarship offers are dependent on you securing and taking up your place at the University of Essex and signing the sport scholarship athlete agreement. Scholarships are paid in 3 termly instalments, subject to a termly progress review, as set out in the athlete agreement.


Sporting achievement

Which sport do you play?
Which position do you play?
If Basketball or Volleyball, what is your height in centimetres? [Please enter numerals only!]
Highest current playing / performance level
Please provide a summary, in no more than 500 words, of your sporting achievements over the last 2 years current team/academy, national ranking/titles, and detail your performance goals for the coming academic year:

Summary of sporting achievements (max 500 words)
Performance goals

Commitment to University sport

Is your sport a BUCS sport?
You can find a list of BUCS sports on the BUCS website.


Highlights Reel

Please upload a 3-4 minute highlight reel / video footage of you competing in your sport. This can be an upload to YouTube or sent via We Transfer. Please ensure your name and sport are included and transfer to Alternatively, you can submit your footage via USB along with your completed application form. Please send to:

Performance Sport Manager
University of Essex – Sport Centre
Wivenhoe Park 
Highlight reel URL

Prospective students are invited to submit an application prior to accepting a place at the University of Essex. You will receive written confirmation of whether your application has been successful should you choose to study at the University of Essex. Scholarships are only valid once you enrol onto your course and sign the sport scholarship athlete agreement. Please note individuals applying for scholarships in team sports will be subject to a trial and squad selection process and scholarship tiers may be adjusted accordingly.

For further enquires or more information please email

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