Alumni Newsletter June 2019
Universiteit Leiden

Alumni News

June 2019


Discovery document of Rembrandt's student years in Leiden

A previously unknown document about Rembrandt’s student years in Leiden has been found in the archive of Leiden University. The document, which is being kept at the University Library, proves that Rembrandt studied at Leiden University for longer than has always been assumed.


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Document Rembrandt

Virtual reality as trauma treatment

Military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder often have symptoms that are both chronic and complex. Thanks to Rob Nypels' generous support, Professor by Special Appointment Eric Vermetten is able to look for new ways to help them deal with these.
One possible medicine: party drug MDMA.

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Virtual reality

Leiden inspired Paul to write a children’s book

Alumnus Paul Cling (Master International Studies) works as a freelance artist, writing songs and poetry. We asked him about his Leiden experiences, his dreams and his book The boy & the toad. 
'Leiden proved to be the perfect place for combining qualitative studies with an international student experience.'

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Alumnus Paul Cling

Student team wants to heal skin with squid protein

Repairing burns with a special substance from squid teeth. That is the goal of 11 ambitious Leiden students who will participate in the international competition IGEM this year. To be able to carry out their project this summer, the students want to raise almost ten thousand euros.

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Meet alumni in Rotterdam

Shift 10 year anniversary Lustrum Gala
  7 June - Rotterdam
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