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Welcome to the newsroom 3.0

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Welcome to the newsroom 3.0


Aida DXP is the Artificial Intelligence Assistant that automates the print layout from the content published on your website. 


It reads and translates
your web content


It restates
the content for Print


It creates a
Print layout in seconds

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Aida´s AI creates your Print layout automatically

While your newsroom is focused on nurturing your news site, the Print edition still remains as a sign of prestige and status for most newspapers.


Aida DXP is the way to a new path for newsmaking. Welcome to Newsroom 3.0 where AI assists reporters with the tedious print layout tasks while they focus on research, creativity and innovation.


  • The Print Layout Automation process powered by Aida DXP gives your team time to choose what "how, and when" they want to publish news.


  • Is a time saving machine that allows your newsroom to concentrate on what they do best, quality journalism.


  • Aida, as part of our Digital Experience Platform, is changing the way we understand the world of newsmakers, is a real revolution of how we understand journalism.

Welcome to the newsroom 3.0

Three progressive automation
options to fit into
any newsroom workflow



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Aida: Starts with a template from your catalogue that can be fed  manually from your website with a simple drag and drop move. It identifies all elements of the article and transforms them into Print layout requirements.



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Aida Advanced: When you choose a news piece from your website and drop it into an empty Print Layout structure Aida´s AI aumatically chooses the best template according to a range of preferences and metadata previously stablished. The Images will be correctly cropped, bold text and summaries automatically produced.

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Aida Pro: With just a list of URL´s that you want to layout for your print edition Aida creates a whole publication ready to print within seconds making all the necesaries adjustments. This level of automation allows you to create a 15 page newspaper on a average time of 45 seconds.

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“We´ve been making news by innovating with the media outlets for more than 40 years. Our MDXP suite of solutions offers cutting edge technology for Print and Digital media. Aida automatizes Print Layout of your web contents in seconds. Welcome to the newsroom 3.0”


José Luis Gómez

Chief Technology & Innovation Officer Protecmedia

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Newsroom 1.0 print focused

print edition and production

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Newsroom 2.0 digital first

web first goes ahead of print first

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Newsroom 3.0 content first

 from web to print in seconds

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to the newsroom 3.0

Join the print automation revolution



Fill in the form to request a demo


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