First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail address*
Country of Residence*
Mobile phone (eg. +31612345678)
LinkedIn URL Profile (beginning with*
We treat your personal data with care. Our privacy statement sets out how your personal data are processed and secured in accordance with the applicable law and the General Data Protection Regulation. The use of our website is subject to certain terms of use.
I have read and agree to the Privacy Statement and the User Terms. *
We collect your personally-identifiable information and LinkedIn profile URL to review and contact you about your profile via email or telephone.
Yes, please review my profile*
To support you through your MBA journey and to continue our conversation, we collect your personally-identifiable information to keep you informed about our school via email and/or telephone, that include additional information relating to the programme(s) you’ve shown interest in.
Yes, let's talk more via e-mail*