First Name*
Last Name*
Job title for testimonial
Digital portrait photo: please attach a headshot image of yourself (head and shoulders) in a professional setting or with a plain background. The size of the image should be at least 400x400px and a maximum of 10MB.*
Build your story by answering the following questions below
What does your current role entail?
Why did you choose a career in treasury/finance?
Which qualification have you completed and what was your main objective for studying this ACT qualification?
How did successfully completing this qualification help you in your current position?
Are there particular areas of treasury/finance that this qualification helped you understand even better?
What are the benefits of having professional qualifications to add to your CV/résumé?
Do you hold any other professional qualifications? If so, how does it/do they complement your ACT qualification? And how do they compare?
How will this ACT qualification enhance your career? Will you be able to move up the career-ladder?
What would you recommend/highlight from your experience to people considering whether to take the ACT qualifications?
How has your ACT membership benefitted you and what value has it added to your career?
What are your future career goals and what further learning have you considered?