Have you decided whether to join Confirmation of Payee as a Direct Participant, or as an Indirect Participant via an Aggregator? Please select the response that most closely reflects your decision status
Yes, I have decided that I will join CoP as a Direct Participant
Yes, I have decided to join via an Aggregator, so I will be an Indirect Participant
No, I have not decided yet
Are you building a solution yourself or using a Technical Service Provider (TSP)?
Building Myself
Please provide the name of the TSP
Do you have a detailed plan which will enable you to meet the regulatory deadline of 31 Oct 2024?
Please select the response that most closely reflects your decision status.
Yes, fully baselined and we have started executing against this plan
Yes, fully baselined but work not yet started
In draft, but not yet baselined
No, we have not yet planned for this
How confident are you in your ability to delivery your plan and meet the 31 October 2024 SD 17 deadline? Please rate from 1 to 10, where 1 is very low confidence and 10 is very high confidence
Very poor
Not that bad
Almost good
Very good
You have stated that you don’t yet have a plan to implement CoP, which of the following statements applies to you. Please select the response that most closely reflects your decision status.
We don’t foresee any issues in meeting the SD17 deadline
We have impact assessed the implementation, and will now do our plan – the impact assessment has given us confidence of meeting the SD17 deadline
We will have our plan completed soon and then have a better view of our ability to meet the SD17 deadline
We are going to apply to PSR for an extension
We are going to apply to the PSR for an exemption
Have you chosen an PSP Aggregator to work with
Yes, I have decided
No, but I have a shortlist
No, I have no idea who I will use as our Aggregator
Please enter the name of your chosen Aggregator.
This will not be shared with them, or with anyone else. Pay.UK would like this information to assist our testing and onboarding capacity planning.
Please enter the names of your Aggregator short list.
This will not be shared with them, or with anyone else. Pay.UK would like this information to assist our testing and onboarding capacity planning.
A list of organisations who have confirmed their intention to offer CoP Aggregation services follows:
OB Connect
Russell West
Simon Lyons
Richard Koldewijn
Adrian Lee-Jarman
Tell Money
Stuart Wakefield
Emma Stephens
XBP Europe
Chris Vincent
Richard Lean
Helena Lambert
Diana Plavanescu
Kannan Rasappan
Jonathan Cardwell
Geertjan van Bochove
Connie Ma
Thank you for answering these questions, you have now completed the survey. Please enter your business email and press 'submit' to send us your answers.